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Форум о Северной Каролине работает с 2005 года

Паспорт и грин кард, пересечение границы

Автор Olya1, 15 Янв. 2009 19:54

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Podskajite mogy li ya viehat iz states v otpysk na 2-3 nedeli i vernytsya esli srok deistviya moego  zagran pasporta istekaet menee chem cherez 6 mesyacev,imeu GC .


Na svoem opyte mogu skazat', chto problem ne bylo: ya vyehala s rossiiskim zagran passportom za 2 mesyatsa do okonchaniya sroka deistviya i vernulas' cherez mesyats, nikto i slova ne skazal, on deistvitelen do poslednego dnya.



Цитата: Vadim2 от 20 Янв. 2009 11:01
Для въезда в США никакие загран.паспорта не нужны если есть GC.
Ими никто не интересуется. Есть действительная GC - значит вы тут живёте.
Никаких других документов на въезде не спрашивают.

В первый раз слышу.  Всегда ГК и паспорт проверяли.
Опять же при выезде из России нужен паспорт, как Вы и заметили.  Если остановка (пересадка) в Европе, там опять же паспорт надо показать, при переходе в "американскую" часть аэропорта.  Так что с практической точки зрения, так и так нужен паспорт.

Возможно в сценарии перехода границы по мосту из Нуэво Ларедо, Мехико в Ларедо, Тексас, хватит одной ГК.  Хотя в последнее время ужесточились требования к паспортам даже на таких точках.


При вьезде в страну, ставится вьездная виза( печать), интересно, на какую сторону GC эту печать будут ставить? :-k


Цитироватьс GC никаких виз не надо

Это Провайдер не так выразился, не виза, а печать.
Въездная печать ставится (2 года назад во всяком случае) в паспорт российский.  Не I-94, а просто печать о въезде, с пометкой статуса резидента.
В американский паспорт уже печатей не ставится о въезде.  Российский паспорт в этом случае не показывается вообще.  Но хоть какой, да нужен паспорт.

Вадим, Вам все равно нужно было показывать паспорт, в России как минимум.


Хотя по закону возможен вариант без паспорта (как исключение):

ЦитироватьCode of Federal Regulations - Title 8: Aliens and Nationality (December 2005)





211.2 - Passports.

  (a) A passport valid for the bearer's entry into a foreign country at least 60 days beyond the expiration date of his or her immigrant visa shall be presented by each immigrant except an immigrant who: (1) Is the parent, spouse, or unmarried son or daughter of a United States citizen or of an alien lawful permanent resident of the United States; (2) Is entering under the provisions of 211.1(a)(2) through (a)(7) (СМ. НИЖЕ); (3) Is a child born during the temporary visit abroad of a mother who is a lawful permanent resident alien, or a national, of the United States, provided that the child's application for admission to the United States is made within 2 years of birth, the child is accompanied by the parent who is applying for readmission as a permanent resident upon the first return of the parent to the United States after the birth of the child, and the accompanying parent is found to be admissible to the United States; (4) Is a stateless person or a person who because of his or her opposition to Communism is unwilling or unable to obtain a passport from the country of his or her nationality, or is the accompanying spouse or unmarried son or daughter of such immigrant; or (5) Is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States.

  (b) Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, if an alien seeking admission as an immigrant with an immigrant visa believes that good cause exists for his or her failure to present a passport, the alien may file an application for a waiver of this requirement with the district director in charge of the port-of-entry. To apply for this waiver, the alien must file Form I193, Application for Waiver of Passport and/or Visa, with the fee prescribed in 103.7(b)(1) of this chapter. In the exercise of discretion, the district director in charge of the port-of-entry may waive the alien's lack of passport and admit the alien as an immigrant, if the district director is satisfied that the alien has established good cause for the alien's failure to present a passport.

211.1 - Visas.

  (a) General. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, each arriving alien applying for admission (or boarding the vessel or aircraft on which he or she arrives) into the United States for lawful permanent residence, or as a lawful permanent resident returning to an unrelinquished lawful permanent residence in the United States, shall present one of the following: (1) A valid, unexpired immigrant visa; (2) A valid, unexpired Form I551, Permanent Resident Card, if seeking readmission after a temporary absence of less than 1 year, or in the case of a crewmember regularly serving on board a vessel or aircraft of United States registry seeking readmission after any temporary absence connected with his or her duties as a crewman; (3) A valid, unexpired Form I327, Permit to Reenter the United States; (4) A valid, unexpired Form I571, Refugee Travel Document, properly endorsed to reflect admission as a lawful permanent resident; (5) An expired Form I551, Permanent Resident Card, accompanied by a filing receipt issued within the previous 6 months for either a Form I751, Petition to Remove the Conditions on Residence, or Form I829, Petition by Entrepreneur to Remove Conditions, if seeking admission or readmission after a temporary absence of less than 1 year; (6) A Form I551, whether or not expired, presented by a civilian or military employee of the United States Government who was outside the United States pursuant to official orders, or by the spouse or child of such employee who resided abroad while the employee or serviceperson was on overseas duty and who is preceding, accompanying or following to join within 4 months the employee, returning to the United States; or (7) Form I551, whether or not expired, or a transportation letter issued by an American consular officer, presented by an employee of the American University of Beirut, who was so employed immediately preceding travel to the United States, returning temporarily to the United States before resuming employment with the American University of Beirut, or resuming permanent residence in the United States.


Вообше -то я так и написал "Печать", хоть и в скобки поставил.

Мне вспоминается, что про отсутсвии какого либо пассорта на рука , но наличии GC, пришлось получать( та  ещё так суматоха ) " БЕЛЫЙ ПАССПОРТ) , по моему он назывался "REENTRY PERMIT". Может с тех пор что -то и изменилось, даже в "дружескую Максику и Канаду" от постоянных жителей нашего чудного штата( по личному опыту) требовали визу из консульств этих стран.

Это не касается граждан The US.