27 Июль 2024 04:08


Русская Северная Каролина

Я живу в Fayettville

Автор frank, 7 Май 2005 01:22

« предыдущая - следующая »



Меия зовут Frank (Фёдор).  Я изучаю Русски язык премерно 6 неделя.  я гавору иеплохо, я знаю малинкн словар.  Если вы живёте около и нравиться поговорите.  пожалуиста пишете


I am attending an emersion class in Russian language.  7 hours a day, 5 days a week and would like to find some Russian speakers in the area to talk with on my days off.  If you are interested in writing back or talking face to face please respond.  I feel that I am an interesting person and we would have fun.  I'm 35 years old (male)  helicopter pilot, and am learning Russian language for my new job.


Добро пожаловать на сайт, Франк.

Писать Вам только по русски, или поможет, если с переводом?

Should we write you in Russian only, or would like a translation also?


споснбо для отвечать,

я знаю 40% слово я читаю.  Этот нобыи клавиатура очень медленный.  Typing is more difficult that anything, I may not have the time to correct my spelling and search for the proper keys to use.  I hope some one close by may want to practice english face to face while I practice Russian.  If you have the time to translate that would be great!  Perhaps if you notice alot of high level words then maybe give me a hint.  I'm learning alot by just reading what everyone else is writing, it makes it more interesting to know it is being said to you or a reply is expected.
My verb congigation is terrible and my spelling was bad in english! ( I don't know how I ever expected it would get better in Russian)  however, I am trying and I will get better.  Thanks to all who reply or help.
