20 Сен. 2024 06:28


Впечатления от жителей штата Северная Каролина

Надежный ремонт

Автор Donaldvor, 4 Сен. 2024 00:14

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Привет всем!
Если у вас возникают заботы с выхлопной системой или вы хотите освежить характеристики своего автомобиля, Автокат 76 готов помочь! Мы предлагаем следующие услуги:
Ремонт выхлопной системы
Устранение дефектов: Профессиональный подход к ремонту выхлопной системы для приведения в норму производительности автомобиля.
Улучшение экологии: Снижает уровень выбросов.
Увеличение срока службы автомобиля: Обеспечивает долгосрочную надежность и бесперебойность.
Подробнее: https://avtokat76.ru/remont-vykhlopnoy-sistemy.html
Удаление катализатора
Увеличение мощности: Устранение катализатора может заметно увеличить динамику вашего авто.
Лучше приспособление под дооснащение:
Снижение расходов на топливо: Делает поездки более экономичными и результативными.
Запишитесь на удаление катализатора: https://avtokat76.ru/
Увеличение производительности: Подключение может улучшить характеристики вашего авто.
Оптимизация расхода топлива: Экономия на каждом километре.
Индивидуальная настройка под ваши желания: Подход, основанный на характеристиках вашего автомобиля.
Узнайте больше: https://avtokat76.ru/chip-tuning.html
Ваш автомобиль заслуживает только совершенного!


Plant-based ultraprocessed foods linked to heart disease, early death, study says
Want to reduce your risk of developing chronic disease and live longer while also helping the planet? Eat a plant-based diet, experts say.
Does that mean you can fill your plate with boxed macaroni and cheese, deep-dish frozen veggie pizza or fast-food French fries and have a doughnut or three for dessert?
While all of those ultraprocessed choices may be meat-free, they are not without risk, said Duane Mellor, a registered dietitian and senior teaching fellow at Aston Medical School in Birmingham, United Kingdom.
"We can't always assume plant-based means healthy, as after all sugar is plant-based," Mellor said in a statement. "Many foods that do not contain animal products, which includes biscuits, crisps, confectionary and soft drinks, are technically plant-based but would not be considered essential as part of a healthy diet by the majority of people."
In fact, eating such plant-based junk foods dramatically raises bad cholesterol and hypertension and can lead to associated heart disease and early death, according to a new study authors call "the first" to show ultraprocessed plant foods are associated with an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
"Eating plant-based products can be beneficial, acting as protection against health problems, or it can represent a risk -- it all depends on the level of processing of these foods," said senior study author Renata Levy, a researcher in the Epidemiological Research Center in Nutrition and Health at the University of Sao Paulo, known as Nupens/USP, in Brazil.
Ultraprocessed foods undergo multiple industrial processes, such as heating, fracking of nutrients and proteins, molding and compression, and have added chemicals to cosmetically alter color, smell, taste and texture. Foods in this category are formulated to be hyper-palatable to human taste buds and are often extremely convenient, requiring little to no preparation time.